+420 224 106 334
U Rajské zahrady 3
130 00 Prague 3
Nowadays, the environment protection is a media-discussed topic not only at national level but also at European level. More and more consumers are interested in this topic. Also, the topic is reinforced by various interest groups and lately it has become popular. A large number of firms is trying to satisfy customers’ preferences and they present their “green” solutions. However, not all these solutions are as green as they may seem at first sight. That’s why we would like to offer a realistic solution to COOP’s customers and show that the consumer co-operatives are historically (for over 170 years) promoters of innovation, innovators in the field of environmental protection and that they are making life easier for its members – the customers.
We want to educate the customers that the best waste is the one that does not arise at all. That customers should use the products repeatedly if possible and they should think carefully about the time when to throw the products into the trash can. And when the products are thrown away, they should be sorted out properly. Sorting, recycling and reusing is a very good way to save our environment.
SČMSD (Skupina COOP) prepares activities on environmental protection with the authorized packaging company EKO-KOM, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment (Ministerstvo životního prostředí ČR) and other partners.The campaign “We sort, sort with us” („My třídíme, třiďte s námi“) is ready to run. The recycling bins will be placed in stores. We are preparing a design of plastic and paper bags with the COOP logo and the motto: “If you no longer want to use me for shopping, fill me with plastic (paper) waste and throw me into the yellow (blue) bin.” The plastic bags will be made of recycled material. There will also be a reusable polyester bag that has been evaluated as the most environmentally friendly in a study by the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague,requested by the Ministry of the Environment. There will be related leaflets, online and in-store communication.
Although the Czech Republic ranks among the best countries in the European Union in the field of sorting and recycling, there is still room for improvement.During the campaign, we will explain to our customers the meaning of proper sorting, protection of the environment, or the need for reusable bags.We believe that we will reach our customers in the countryside, where COOP operates themajority of its 2,600 retail stores. And that we will contribute to a higher recycling rate of waste in our country, respectively to a reduction of waste landfilled or incinerated. This not only saves our natural resources, but also improves the environment in which we live.